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Cloud Engineering

Cloud Engineering

Partner with TechTiera for accelerating your Cloud Journey, optimize total cost of ownership and innovate at a rapid pace.

Cloud is inevitable and Cloud Engineering is vital for organizations with business critical and complex systems which are yet hosted in traditional data centers that need to be migrated to Cloud. Cloud engineering provides seamless cloud solutions driving agility and business growth for organizations. Cloud engineering Services enables the applications to re-architected, replatformed, re-hosted and re-engineered to make it Cloud ready. TechTiera has a dedicated Cloud Center of Excellence with dedicated team members with vast experience on all major cloud platforms.

Cloud Engineering leverages the cloud’s capability to solve complex business problems. Our Cloud architects have provided solutions to successfully complete many Cloud Native Applications and host many cloud independent SaaS products.

Ready to Grow Your Business?

We bring together our deep industry knowledge and technology expertise to transform and accelerate the growth of your organization.

Schedule a free and no obligation call with our technology expert today.

TechTiera’s Cloud Accelerator (TCA)

Techtiera helps organizations build and deploy secure cloud solutions for effortless scaling, enabling businesses to be agile and become future ready. TechTiera’s Cloud services help organizations focus on delivering value to their customers, and take insightful data-driven decisions.

TechTiera’s Cloud Accelerator is a proven Methodology to enable / adapt cloud transformation for any organization. TCA begins with the discovery & assessments phase, organizational cloud goals review, selecting the right platform with pre-developed implementation and automation scripts developed by TechTiera.

Following are Phases within TCA methodology:

Assessment and Design

Vendor Selection, Migration plan for all applications.


Migration of selected applications.


Redirection of application to new cloud application, monitoring.


Continuous optimization of application to match to the goals set earlier.


Repeat the above steps for other enterprise applications.

TechTiera Cloud Service Offerings:

Why TechTiera for Cloud Engineering: